Bodily injury coverage is one of the main types of auto insurance coverage. This coverage is for injuries to others in an auto accident.
Bodily injury liability coverage pays for damages you, or your business, are legally liable for resulting from injuries or death to others related to the ownership or operation of covered vehicles.
Medical expenses, loss wages, and court cost are among the types of expenses covered through bodily injury coverage.
Often, you’ll see the limits for bodily injury liability coverage expressed as two numbers, such as $100,000/300,000 (100/300). This is known as “split limits.” With split limits, the first number is the most the policy would pay for injuries to any one person as the result of an accident. The second is the most the policy would pay for all injuries as the result of any one accident, no matter how many people were injured. Sometimes you’ll see a third number, which is the property damage liability limit, per accident.
Example: Your involved in a car insurance accident where you’re at fault, and in the accident, you injure 2 people in the other car involved in the accident. Bodily injury coverage would be what protects you financially for the responsibility of injuring the other drivers in the accident. Bodily injury coverage will provide money for the other cars passengers for their injuries and loss of wages within the limits of your coverage.