In the current economy, almost everyone wants to save every dollar they can. This is a major reason why many car owners are always tempted to go with the car insurance company that has the lowest rates. Though this is a nice money saving tip, it is not always the best idea especially if you have not researched the company.
You need to research first and ensure that the insurance company meets quality and then you can start looking at the price bargain. Do not be enticed by the low auto insurance rates that you end up overlooking quality. Put a little effort and find a company with quality services and good rates. Consider the following:
Customer service
Insurance companies ought to have very good customer service. You should be able to communicate with the company via email, chat and most importantly through the phone. The phone is necessary, as it is the best way to communicate when you need to be attended to immediately. The email and chat are for less urgent matters like consultation.
Having the channels for communication is a plus, but if the staffs do not respond when you need them then it is of no use. So take car insurance company that will answer your calls or emails in the shortest time possible. The staffs should also be polite and friendly so that you can feel free when you make consultations.
You can do a test on the company’s customer service before you get an insurance cover. Call them or initiate a chat and see how prompt and friendly they are. They should be able to handle your questions and handle you with respect. Check to see if there are any complaints regarding the communication and services rendered.
Claims processing
A good car insurer will be able to process claims very quickly. Some companies have automated their processes to allow car owners to complete their claims online. This allows the car repair shop to enter the estimate information online, and receive payment as soon it is approved.
A good car insurer will charge you rates that are reasonable. If you are taking bundled packages, they will give you a good discount.
Financial status of the company
You should take your car insurance from a company that is financially fit. This gives you a guarantee that the insurer can afford to pay claims. There are websites in each state where you can check the credit ratings of different insurers. This is a step that should not be overlooked especially if you are dealing with the less popular insurance companies. Some of the websites with good information include J.D. Power, A.M. Best and Standard & Poor ratings.
You need to check whether the insurer is licensed to sell car insurance in your state. This is one of the ways to verify if an insurer is legit. Check on their complaint ratios, and customer feedback. If there is no proof of licensure, then there is a high likelihood that it is a swindle. Confirm this with the state’s department of insurance. You can do this on phone or online.
The complaint ratio tell you how many complaints the insurer received for every one thousand claims filed by the stakeholders. If the auto insurance company operates in more than one state, it is advisable to check the complaint ratios in the other states as well. This is because the insurer may be doing well in one state and not so well in the rest.
Recommended by body shops
Body shop managers can be of help when identifying a quality car insurance provider. This is because they regularly interact with insurance adjusters. They know well the companies that will process the claims smoothly. So contact a body shop that you trust, and they will help you identify the car insurer with the smoothest operations.
By choosing a car insurance company with the qualities above, you can rest knowing that your claims will be well taken care of in the event of an accident. It will only little time to get a long-term piece of mind. Don’t rush in making your decision only to find out months later that you put your money in a company that will not pay your claims smoothly. Having an accident and then dealing with a difficult insurer can be nerve wrecking. And in some cases, you might end up with an unpaid claim. However, you have the power and the tools to avoid such scenarios. All the resources you need to choose a good auto insurer are readily available on the internet and therefore you can do it at your own convenience.
If you are having trouble finding a reliable car insurance company, you can talk to an agent or a financial expert with knowledge in this field.