How much coverage do you need for your home?
Your home may be the most valuable investment you have made so far, and any wise investor takes certain measures to protect their investment. Though not required by law, homeowners insurance and coverage protects your investment in case disaster strikes. To determine...

What are the Risks of Not Having Insurance on Your Home
Mortgage owners are legally required to have homeowner’s insurance. The purpose of cover is to provide financial protection if home loan owners fall back on repayments owing to the passing of a property owner, job loss, disability and listed standards. It is becoming...

Can Your Homeowner’s Insurance be Affected by Filing a Claim?
Homeowners insurance is an important form of cover providing peace of mind that listed contents will be compensated in the event of damage, theft and other policy approved circumstances. While emphasis is on cost savings, claiming could hike your monthly or yearly...

How a Mitigation Inspection Can Get You Cheaper Home Insurance Rates.
If your home is built prior to 2001 and older, I would highly recommend getting a Mitigation Inspection. A Mitigation inspection will show how your home has been built building code wise for protection against hurricanes. For homes 2001 and older the mitigation...

What is the Wind Pool for Florida Homeowners Insurance?
When it comes to Florida Homeowners Insurance the wind pool concept can be one of the harder ones to understand. Properties that are within 1,500 ft a major body of water (usually gulf or ocean), are in what is called the Wind Pool. When a property is in the wind...

Things to consider for Home Insurance Claims
Safeco does a good job of describing things to consider if you were to ever have homeowner’s insurance claim. Sometimes being a little more prepared with simple things will make a home insurance claim go better for you. Better as in get paid more money, and in a...

Washing Machine Safety Tips for Florida Homeowners Insurance
A survey into the number of claims made by the homeowners revealed that water damage is the most common homeowners’ insurance claim. Among the leading causes of water damage, is the washing machine. In fact, the washing machine related water damage is one of the top...

What are the 3 best home insurance companies in Cape Coral, FL?
Homeowners find it hard to find a reliable and affordable homeowners’ insurance provider in Cape Coral. On average homeowners in Coral FL have to part with $600 annually for the lowly priced homes to about $7000 for the higher priced homes. The average price is around...

Does Home Insurance Cover Trampolines?
Safeco Home Insurance about Trampolines Safeco Insurance is one of the insurance companies that we represent. Below is a great article about how having a trampoline might effect your Homeowners Insurance policy. Most home insurance carriers won't allow for...

Do You Need A Four-Point Inspection For Your Home Insurance Policy?
What is a four-point inspection for home insurance? 4 Point inspection is specific to the insurance industry. It will show the condition of Heat/ Cooling, Electrical, Roof, and Plumbing. These inspections usually only apply to homes that are 30 years and older. If...